Online Retail and Checkout Flow

Designed and developed core retail and checkout features:

  • Addition of the free gift on certain cart conditions.
  • Allowing customers to apply mutiple vouchers based on voucher type and compatibility.
  • Gift-cards integrations with third parties.
  • Allowing logging using OTP.
  • Assignment of reasonable inventory to orders to minimise the delivery date.
  • Allowing customers to purchase a monthly gold-mine plan and its redemption.

Point of Sale (POS)

Contributed in creating a system for BlueStone store staff, allowing them to place orders in the store, take certain advance payments from customers and block inventory for them, handle returns, etc.

Designed and implemented a tool, called SMART (Store Merchandise Automation Restocking Tool) that segregates the jewellery designs based on their performance and automates the stock movement between stores and warehouses, tailored to each store's unique configuration and capacity ensuring efficient and optimized inventory management.

Facebook And Google Marketing

Created events and product feeds for Facebook Dynamic Ads and Google Ads, resulting in significant improvement in conversions.


Built features, refactored code, improved performance across projects, maintaining multiple microservices and platforms like Production Management System, Order Management System, upgraded MySQL from 5.6 to 5.7.